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Hasta ahora CPB Abogados ha creado 221 entradas de blog.

Reconocimiento a nuestras áreas en el Ranking 2024 de Leaders League

Con gran satisfacción y orgullo, compartimos la emocionante noticia de que nuestras áreas han sido distinguidas en el Ranking 2024 – Perú por la prestigiosa publicación internacional Leaders League. Estas áreas incluyen: Compliance Derecho tributario Derecho laboral Fusiones y adquisiciones Derecho corporativo Wealth management Real estate Protección de datos Queremos extender nuestras más sinceras [...]

Por |2024-03-18T16:46:12-05:0011/03/2024|Noticias|

Pía Iparraguirre, partner and member of WWCDA, at the Executive Breakfast: Beyond Stereotypes in Law White-Collar Crime

En el marco del Día Internacional De La Mujer, destacamos la participación de nuestra socia Pía Iparraguirre Alarcón, miembro de Women's White Collar Defense Association (WWCDA), en el desayuno ejecutivo sobre "Más allá de los estereotipos: Empoderamiento y Liderazgo de las mujeres en el derecho penal". Agradecemos a WWCDA en Perú por fomentar estas [...]

Por |2024-03-19T11:03:37-05:0008/03/2024|Noticias|

Prohibiting pharmacies and drugstores from providing medical consultations and selling groceries declared as unreasonable bureaucratic barriers

Recently, Indecopi declared founded a complaint filed by a group of companies against the Ministry of Health ("MINSA"), ruling that the prohibitions to sell groceries and provide medical consultations in pharmacies and drugstores constitute unreasonable bureaucratic barriers, since such entity did not prove to have previously evaluated the [...]

Por |2024-03-18T17:10:24-05:0004/03/2024|Boletín|

SPLAFT: registration of companies and individuals that carry out financial or currency exchange operations.

On February 26th was published the Regulation of the Registry of Companies and Persons that carry out Financial or Currency Exchange Operations, supervised by the FIU-Peru in matters of prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism. Here are some relevant points: Who must register? Brokerage Houses [...]

Por |2024-03-19T11:22:10-05:0028/02/2024|Boletín|